Friday, 31 May 2013

The Way The Cinema Should Be?

Hello Gorgeous,

A couple of days ago I went to see The Great Gatsby with Alex, and I can honestly say that it is an absolutely incredible film. The storyline isn't fantastic, but in terms of the acting, the staging and the soundtrack, it really is incredible.

However, Alex decided to surprise me and took me to the Everyman cinema in Leeds Trinity, and I can honestly say the entire experience was mind-blowing. This is not the place where you shuffle into uncomfortable sticky seats with your overpriced Coke and popcorn, this is how the Cinema should be.

 Margarita Pizza - this was so incredibly tasty, potentially one of the best Margaritas I've ever had.

 Olives and Garlic Bread...

And yes, I saved the best 'till last. Sofas. They were in two's and three's, and were fantastically comfy.

This in my opinion, is the way the cinema should be. It really makes going to the cinema a night out rather than a couple of hours in the dark. There is a full bar, so you can take in a bottle/glass of wine, beer, spirits, even cocktails. At the end of the film, people were still chatting and finishing their drinks while discussing the film, which was absolutely lovely. Such a change from people jumping up to run out and get out of the car park.

Having said this, it's not cheap. It's around the £11 mark for a ticket, and the food isn't exactly what you'd call economical. But if you're looking for a night out that's different, it's around the same cost as a meal out, or potentially even less. I can't wait to go back again, I'm a complete convert!

Let me know if you go!


p.s. All this hype about GFC; it's still going to be working (so I am informed), so if you'd like to follow me, please still click on the button to the right :) Alternatively, you can follow me via Bloglovin' <3. 

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Donut Burger?!

Morning lovelies,

This post is not for the faint hearted, calorie baulking, of you out there - RUN!

Red's True BBQ is at the very top of Call lane, next to The Corn Exchange, in Leeds. It specialises in BBQ food, and my God it is GLORIOUS! 

I have wanted to go to Red's for a really long time, but the pricing has meant that I've had to stay away. Realistically, it's not that expensive, no more so than a steak restaurant would be, but since I was on a student budget, I just didn't have the spare cash floating about. 

The atmosphere is very relaxed, and I'm not going to lie, it really is quite smokey from the grills, but not in an eye-watering, cough inducing manner. It really just adds to the authenticity of the place. Don't dress up, my advice is keep it casual, and wear something loose!!

 Choose from a variety of BBQ/Hot sauces, I really recommend the second and third from the left.

Meet Red's Ultimate Milkshake, Pecan Apple Pie and fudge blended together - absolute heaven.

The Donut burger, and yes, that really is a donut on the top. This is the single most amazing thing I have ever eaten in my life, I cannot tell you how incredible it was! The sweet potato fries and fried gherkins were also to die for!

This is an incredible place to get together with friends; it's a great casual and friendly atmosphere, with amazing food that's such a good talking point. Aim for lunch there, as you can't make reservations so the dinner time queue can be lengthy. I also think the obvious thing to say here, is that it's not the most Vegetarian friendly place out there! 

If you're in or near Leeds, give this place a shot, I dare you!


p.s. All this hype about GFC; it's still going to be working (so I am informed), so if you'd like to follow me, please still click on the button to the right :) Alternatively, you can follow me via Bloglovin' <3. 

Where to start, where to start?

Hello Darlings,

It's been over two months since my last post and what a whirlwind it has been. As some of you may know, I study Law at Leeds Uni, and this was my third and final year. This of course meant the dreaded dissertation, and also finals. Eugh. 
My dissertation deadline came up so quickly, it all seemed to culminate in a frantic scramble to get it finished; cue plenty of allnighters. This was closely followed with my exam period and I can honestly say it almost finished me off. In one particular week I had around 20 hours sleep in a 5 day period, safe to say I was exhausted. 
However, I am now absolutely overjoyed to say that... IT'S OVER! It's no secret that I wasn't a fan of my degree, it was what my family wanted, and I'm so relieved to never have to sit a pointless exam ever again. Honestly, one of my final year compulsory topics was Jurisprudence, which is a study of the theory behind law. This included a study into how literature portrays the law, and in one particular area, this meant a study of Harry Potter (the Ministry of Magic) blah blah blah. Before you all think I'm off studying the trial of the Hippogryph Buckbeak, I can assure you my other topics included family law and equity and trusts - not nearly as exciting. However, at least I'm now particularly clued up as to how to deal with my will; every cloud and all that. 

Moving on from the genuine excitement of my law degree which has undoubtedly got you on the very edge of your seats, I alas, do not have much else to report. I have plenty of blogging ideas whirling around in my head and am also considering a little blog makeover, but we shall see. It won't be anything too drastic if I do. Christ on a bike it took me long enough to tinker about to get this one looking semi decent. 

I'm looking forward to getting back to my hobby again, and shunning my textbooks, (Herring - Family Law, I'm looking at you buddy). Thanks for once again sticking by me, and I can't wait to see what you guys have been up to while I've been a hermit in a corner of my bedroom, slowly getting more and more pasty. 



p.s. All this hype about GFC; it's still going to be working (so I am informed), so if you'd like to follow me, please still click on the button to the right :) Alternatively, you can follow me via Bloglovin' <3.