Monday, 18 March 2013

Making the effort?

Hi Darlings,

A certain someone came into my bedroom this morning and commented that I looked very nice considering I was only going to be doing work today. This comment provoked two reactions, a) well at least said person thinks I look nice, and b) what's wrong with making yourself up in the morning?

I'm the kind of girl who prefers to do something with myself on a daily basis. Some days if I'm just cleaning it won't be as much as other days, but it'll still mean that I look presentable should someone turn up at my house. However, as the majority rule, I'm almost always fully made up. From this, I have noticed there appears to be a problem, and that is the stigma that's attached to it. Supposedly, making yourself up renders you vain, self indulgent and anti-feminist. I've had many a comment thrown at me over the years, 'You do know it's Monday, right?', 'Oh... WE don't feel the need to wear makeup on the weekend', 'Gosh you must have been up for HOURS, I'd rather spend the time in bed'. Apparently it makes other women feel bad, and makes you look like a tit. Well I have a counter argument for those darlings who throw these comments about willy nilly; why don't they make the effort? I spend 45 minutes getting ready in the morning including a shower, and if I can manage to get all of that done in that time, then what's wrong with it? Is it really so masochistic to make yourself look pretty? Gone are the days when it's about looking good for your significant other, what about making yourself look good to feel good, to make your day that little bit brighter when someone comments on your lipstick? When did it suddenly become such a chore to look presentable? It can take as little as 2 minutes to do those extra couple of things that mean they don't look like they have been living in a cave for 3 months. 

I have also heard the argument that people don't take you seriously when you're made up. Well what a load of rubbish. If you can fully participate in an intelligent conversation, walk into a room with an air of confidence and meet anyones eye with a genuine smile and a firm handshake, nobody is going to think you're a floozy. Now I understand that this could apply to the counter argument too, but all I'm saying is wouldn't you prefer to be remembered as the well put together one, rather than the one with the monobrow? 
One of the things I love so much about this community is that 99.9% of the ladies here all make the effort. We like to smell nice, feel nice and look pretty, and what the hell is wrong with that? We aren't vain, or fake, or out to make others feel bad. We don't put it before anything else in our lives, it's a few minutes out of our day and it makes us feel good. And it certainly doesn't mean that we aren't strong intelligent women who can achieve anything we put our minds to. I think it's sad we're labelled like this, and I think it's sad that some women feel like they should look shabby to be taken seriously. 
There is nothing we can't do, and just you watch us achieve it and stare in disbelief at our 6 inch heels at the same time. 


In other news, God this made me laugh! Just thought I'd share <3

Have a wonderful day beautiful, 


(Images via


  1. AMEN!!! I couldnt agree more! I make the effort cause I wanna feel/look better and I dont wanna feel scruffy. Its all about making the most of yourself and expressing your creativity. Photos pretty! <3

    1. Thanks hun! Completely agree with you! :D x

  2. I definitely agree with this, even if I have an early morning I still like to make a bit of an effort and I think it's especially important when you work in a job that involves customer service because no one wants to talk to someone who looks like they can't be bothered to be there. I think it's up to each person how much effort they want to make and as long as they aren't telling other people what they should do then I don't see how it affects anyone else, I'd never get annoyed with whether someone else chooses to make an effort or not because it's none of my business and If I feel bad becasue I feel like someone else looks better than me that day then that's my issue not theirs,If you prefer a full face of make up then that's what you should wear :)
    Rosalie x

    1. Thankyou for taking the time out to comment! I completely agree, what business is it of anyones? I'd never dream of saying, 'oh.. take it you had an extra 10 minutes in bed this morning then...'! Rude! xx

  3. You are so gorgeous Lea! Love this post :-) xx

    1. Thanks hun :) I'm glad you like it! :D x

  4. He'll bloody yeah Lea! I always get the oh are you off out then if I'm made up around the house. I was taught from a very early age as sad as it sounds people judge you on your appearance vain maybe? Human nature of course! Love love love this post! And girlie your looking gorgeous as usual :-)

    1. Thanks hun!
      Yeah same here, my mum always taught me to look my best, even if it was just a couple of extra steps! People do judge by appearance and it's the impression that lasts! xxx

  5. Totally agree!! I'm with ya honey! I always try my best to look good - no matter the occasion, no matter the day. And yep, I get backlash occasionally too but at least I feel good and confident as a result! And you're looking very pretty today so all the power to ya!

    1. Thanks hun! It's all about the confidence! If that's what makes you feel good no-one should have anything to say about it! x

  6. Just a quick comment to say I loved this post and I couldn't agree more! I wish more people would just try and focus on the positive things in their day, rather than go out of their way to try and ruin someone elses good modd with snide remarks and backhanded compliments.. I also agree with what you said about the beauty community, it's nice to not have to explain why you want another blush, why you bother with the hair and face masks etc. etc.
    Thanks for this post x x

    1. I think it's a matter of jealously. But one that I don't understand, because it's their choice to decide not to wake up and try and make the best of themselves! Amen to that hun, completely agree with you! x

  7. You look lovely. I personally see nothing wrong with people doing their hair and putting on makeup to stay in or whatever, it's their choice. However I very rarely wear makeup even if I'm off out to uni or something. Don't get me wrong I love makeup and I love wearing a bit occasionally or putting it on for a nice day out or something but I just don't like wearing it day in and day out. I don't see that as me not making and effort or not looking presentable though and I wouldn't want other people to look and think 'oh she's not wearing any makeup she doesn't make any effort' the same as I wouldn't look and some one who does wear a full face of makeup all the time and question why they do it. I'm happy and comfortable to not wear makeup and surely that's what it should be about, feeling good about yourself whether you choose to wear makeup all the time or not. xx

    1. You're exactly right, that's the exact point that I'm trying to make! It's all about personal choice, and women who do prefer to wear a full face of makeup should be penalised and looked upon as 'less serious' because of the choices we make! :D x

  8. What a great post, I don't really wear makeup on days that I'm just staying in the house, but mostly that's just for my skin. But I do make sure I get a shower and do my hair, just to make myself feel better! I also personally don't like to go out without my makeup and hair done, not because I'm self consios or anything just because I feel better when I'm made up, it makes me feel more confident! :-) xx

    1. It's all about confidence, if something makes you feel better then what's wrong with it? And yes, even when we aren't leaving the house and we're not putting makeup on we still make the effort to smell good haha! :D x

  9. I wish I could get my hair as lovely and big and full looking as yours! :) i completely agree with your post...I like my full makeup too...somedays I might go out and about with a bare face, which just makes everyone think I'm sick...I would love to put the effort into everything like my hair but that usually gets neglected and thrown up into a pineapple...think you've inspired me now! :) xx

    1. I have naturally very matte and dry hair that just goes huge on it's own, but it's all about the XXL volume dry shampoo by Batiste ;)
      There's nothing wrong with a bit of pineapple hair, I actually quite like the look haha! :D x

  10. that picture just made me laugh!! <3 xxxxxxx

  11. I've had random people in queues and buses say aloud, "I hate it when people wear makeup" - intended at me. I used to be really upset earlier on, but I just think to myself now (just as my mum taught me!) "I hate it when people look scruffy and un-groomed." Way to go!
    My Beauty Junction

    1. You're so right! Next time you should say it right back to them! Rude buggers!! x

  12. I totaly agree with you, we keep our beauty routine for us, and in fact, it's not really "beauty", it's taking care of ourselves - we have one body, and one soul, so we'd better take care of them in a good way! Guess what, I went to Leeds on Saturday - do you know District? A friend of a friend had birtjday and wanted to celebrate there. It was a bit too loud... I ended up needing fresh air and was waitng for my friend outside for 35 min in the rain! Oh no! At that point my hair looked a mess :) I am sure you look beautiful everyday, but I loved the illustration!!!!

    1. Oh no that sounds so annoying! Where abouts did you go in Leeds? Did you have a good night apart from that?
      Glad you liked the post, and you agree! :D xx

  13. First of all, you're gorgeous!
    And secondly, I totally agree with you. I can't do the whole 'lazy day' no make-up, scruffy clothes thing and that's because I feel better about myself when I'm done up :) x

    1. Aww thankyou hun :D Me too, and there's nothing wrong with it is there?! :D x

  14. Agreed :)

    You are SO gorgeous by the way! So glad I found you! Say "hello" to a new follower :)


  15. Thanks! Glad you liked it :D x

  16. you are beautiful, with or without makeup!!

  17. Stunning! And such a positive blog x

  18. I'm always made up so you're not the only one. Sometimes I may not do the whole eyeshadow shebang but a bit of eyeliner always helps. Lol. I've recently tried to not wear it all (think concealer, mascara and eyebrows) as I've been going to racing and camping over night (the weather can ruin it a bit lol).
    I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to look nice - as long as you're happy, what does it matter?
    You look stunning in these photos btw! I adore your hair :) xx
