Tuesday, 13 November 2012

TAG: Can you admit your weaknesses?

Hi lovelies,

I think in life that it's really important to get a handle on your strengths and weaknesses. Identifying what they are and working on them is a sure fire way to success. But how comfortable are we really with identifying these things? Is it bragging to say what your strengths are? Can we really admit to our weaknesses?

  • I am incredibly strong, I have been through a lot in my life and it has never broken me. I always get back up again. If you can think of a bad situation, a terrible situation, it's likely that it has happened to me. I must have really bad Karma from a previous life! 
  • I'm very honest - I will never bitch about you behind your back. If I have a problem, I sit down and talk to you about it and come to a resolution. I don't believe that other people getting involved is ever the right way. People always know where they stand with me. 
  • I will stand up for those who I love no matter what, even if I know they're wrong.
  • I will stand up for a cause or an opinion that I believe in - even if people disagree with me.
  • I'm quite patient with people, I can forgive.
  • I believe that hard work gets you where you want to be - and it's something I live by.

  • I am incredibly strong. Sometimes with strength you become hardened; you lose some compassion for things which you don't deem to be a big deal. When in reality it is a big deal; it's a big deal to them. It's just not a big deal to you.  It's something that I work on daily and I am happy to report that I am getting much better. One of my closest friends has taught me a lot about compassion, and I'm eternally grateful to her. 
  • I'm very honest - if I think your Poncho is hideous, I will say it. This is unfortunately also applicable to the girl who has taught me a lot about compassion. Evidently my compassion for ponchos has not developed. I know you're reading this, and know I love you darling, just not the poncho <3
  • I stand up for my opinion - sometimes to the point of ridiculousness. I find it hard to back down.
  • Sometimes I judge too quickly - this is a hard one to admit. Sometimes I make snap decisions and it's not fair. Again, it's something that I'm paying attention to, because I don't think it's justifiable to do that to people. 

In the world of blogging, people try to make out that their life is perfect. They are perfect people, with the perfect boyfriend/family, the perfect home, a glittering career. But nobody is perfect, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Can you admit to yours?


Don't forget to check out my Christmas Yankee Candle giveaway HERE

Image via weheartit.com


  1. the point of being strong to seem or be hard is so true - i totally get that

    <3 katherine

    1. Glad I'm not the only one. It's a hard thing to admit I think.. x

  2. thank you for the reminder.. i really need an inspiration right now... ! and thanks for reading my post…
    The Girl with the Muji Hat

  3. Thankyou so much! I'll pop over now :) x

  4. i enjoy this post - it's always good to think about your own good/bad points. i have a short temper and an obsession with things being fair and balanced, which sometimes leads to arguments! xx

    1. It is, it's important to remember the good too though :) x

  5. Great post hun. I am a very honest person and sometimes it gets me in trouble as I will just say what I think. lol. x

    1. I know that feeling, I'm having to learn to keep quiet more often hehe x

  6. Oh, definitely nobody is perfect, we all have weaknesses. My weakness is...shopping:) I am following you from Rome, I hope you follow me back.

    1. That wasn't quite what I was getting at for weaknesses… But thanks for following me :) x

  7. Found your amazing blog it has inspired me to start my own..... And maybe buy a few gorgeous things :-)xxxx

    1. That's so wonderful! Congratulations!

      Lea x


      Why not check out my Christmas Yankee Candle giveaway?

  8. Love this tag, might consider doing it! :) x

    I mentioned your blog in one of my blogposts some time ago, I hope it's okay and if you want to read it, here's the link: http://picturenoergaard.blogspot.dk/2012/11/my-favourite-blogs.html



    1. Oh wow! Thankyou! I didn't realise! I'll go straight there now and check it out!

      I'd absolutely love to see if if you do this TAG, I'll keep my eyes open for it! x

  9. Nobody is perfect and we all know that this blogs thing sometimes is a bit fake :( and yeah, I admit being weak sometimes! Great post I have to say. Have a good week Lea! kiss

  10. This is such a good post! I definitely need to recognise my own strengths and weaknesses more. I think I need in general to get better at accepting criticism and trying to move on from it and learn from it without getting really offended.

    1. I think everyone reacts badly to criticism… I know I do. I have to keep myself in check when I get my dissertation back covered in red pen haha. x

  11. This is such an awesome post, it's good to admit weaknesses but I think it's just as important to recognise your strengths : )


    1. It definitely is. If you focus too much on your weaknesses you forget your strengths. :) x

  12. Nice post. It's good to be able to admit to your weaknesses as well as your strengths. I don't think it's bragging at all - you just know what you're good at and what you're not so good at. Keep it up love. xx


    1. Thanks hun, glad you liked it. I sure will :) x

  13. It takes a lot to be able to recognise your weaknesses. It's the first step toward self-improvement. Great post!

    Love from South Africa


    1. I'm so happy you think that way too :) Thankyou for your kind comment! x

  14. This is a great posts! It definitely takes a lot of courage to recognize your weaknesses. A lot my strengths can also translate into weaknesses. It is all about growing and learning from your experiences to make you a better person! I love how you are always looking to improve :)
    xoxo Darby
    Obviously Obsessed

    1. I definitely agree with you about strengths being weaknesses. It's hard to find a balance but you always have to try :) Thankyou so much hun :) x

  15. it takes a lot to write that stuff down but even more to put it up here for everyone to see. However, I reckon this is the best way to highlight strengths and confront the weaknesses...this post has certainly got me thinking about my own! x

    1. Thats so good to hear! Ahh it's not so bad. I guess that my friends in real life know them, they're quite apparent. So letting you guys in on it is kind of the same thing! x

  16. such a lovely blog! would you like to follow each other? let me know!

  17. You have a gorgeous blog. I love how honest this post is, and also how your strengths were sometimes also your weaknesses. I'm terrible - I don't think I'd be able to admit my weaknesses.

    I'm excited to be following!

    If you have a spare moment, maybe check out my blog? If you like it, follow back :)



    1. Thankyou so much, I'm glad you like it. I think that's my biggest problem, I have to learn to moderate them so they balance out. Sure, I'd love to :) x

  18. Wow, thank you for being so open and honest and vulnerable. This is a wonderful post and really has got me thinking. I can relate to judging people too quickly.

    1. I think its always a good thing to step back and evaluate, it makes us a better person :) x

  19. Hi! Thankyou so much :) I'll pop over and check out your blog :) x

  20. I love this post it's so honest. You're write about blogging, people can write what they want and miss out all the crap so it's refreshing to read an honest post xx

    1. We're all human at the end of the day, and I feel like I owe you the bigger picture than just all the 'perfect' things in my life. :) x

  21. This is a great idea...I think it's really important to take time to really know yourself and being able to share that with others shows that you are confident in who you are. I think I'll do this too ;)
